CIDev believes that empowering girl child and woman is an indispensable part of sustainable, social and economic development. So CIDev enrolled five underprivileged women in the Mother Theresa of Jesus Ankara fashioned designing center Namoh, Bamenda III municipality. CIDev`s Modus operandi is mainly to uplift the status of the underprivileged girl child and woman to burn their old-fashioned concept that a woman is not a commodity and imbibe the trust in them that they can become better. Usher the community into a track of accomplishments and prosperities. This is to ensure that in some few years, this girl child and woman will be earning livelihood with pride and bundles of self-respect within her family, actively participate in community-based activities, At the end they will be able to generate value not only to the society where they live but make positive contributions to the growth of the community and the nation.